Style . . . makes a difference.
PRO-LINE's Comb-Thru Texturizer is designed especially for shorter hair styles, making hard to comb hair more soft and manageable by enhancing the natural wave and curl pattern.
For more manageability and easy styling, PRO-LINE's Comb-Thru Texturizer is a complete line that includes Comb-Thru Lite Creme Moisturizer, Greaseless Gel Pomade, Comb-Thru 2-n-1 Shampoo and Comb-Thru Softener.
Comb-Thru Style . . . gets better as you get closer
Comb-Thru Product Line
´ Comb Thru Greaseless Gel Pomade
´ Comb Thru Wave Keeper
´ Comb Thru Shampoo
´ Comb Thru Texturizer
´ Comb Thru Lite Cr¸me Moisturizer
´ Comb Thru Softener
´ Comb Thru Lite Cr¸me
Pro-Line has been providing quality products and services for over 35 years. Their commitment to excellence in the ethnic hair care category is unmatched in the industry. Pro-Line continues to be the industry innovator in all facets of hair care because they put the consumer first, by keeping their hand on the pulse of the industry.