Most Affordable Quality Hair On The Market By Milky Way! Milky Way Q Weave, Q Hair by Milky Way. Milky Way Q Hair Yaky Hair Weave Extension. Milky Way Que 100% Human Hair. Que by Milky Way.
Milky Way Q Yaki Straight Human Hair Weave, Milky Way Q Ripple Deep Human Hair Weave, Milky Way Q Dio Curl Human Hair Weave, Milky Way Q Cannon Curl Human Hair Weave.
Milky Way Que Yaki Straight Human Hair Weave, Milky Way Que Ripple Deep Human Hair Weave, Milky Way Que Dio Curl Human Hair Weave, Milky Way Que Cannon Curl Human Hair Weave.
100% Human Hair MasterMix: This hair product has been created by complementing 100% Human Hair with some of the most recently invented fibers. The smoothness and tangle-free traits of Human Hair is enhanced by resiliency & curl holding advantages of these fibers. This optimum combination, called 100% Human Hair MasterMix, gives this product more volume, manageability, and makes the curls last longer. 100% Human Hair MasterMix is only available through Shake-N-Go products.
Please note that some package has special promotion pricing which is not effective with online purchases.